Plants For shaded areas人们常问:“什么植物能在我家后门的阴凉处茁壮成长??这个问题可能很简单,但答案可能很复杂. 定义不同类型的树荫以及哪种植物在哪种树荫下生长得更好是一项挑战. 答案在于确定什么样的植物可以同时适应阴影的类型和该地区的土壤条件.
树荫下的园艺可以是有趣的. Some plants prefer lightly shaded sites; others tolerate medium shade, 而有些则能忍受阴暗处的环境. 下面将介绍一些令人兴奋的植物,它们使这些不同类型的阴凉场所充满活力, including small trees, 灌木, and perennials. |
Made In The Shade
树荫下的园艺与阳光下的园艺不同. 你需要更肥沃的土壤,这样植物才能获得所需的所有营养. 当创造一个阴凉的花园床时,想想一个阴凉的森林地面. For thousands of years, 树叶从头顶落下,形成了一层很深的土壤, rich in composted organic matter. 这就是你在花园里需要模仿的土壤类型. 要做到这一点,在种植时向现有的土壤中添加有机堆肥.
生长在阴凉处的植物通常比生长在阳光下的植物需要更少的水. 许多喜阴植物的根都很浅. 这是, 它们把养根插进靠近土壤表面的厚厚的落叶垫中,在扎根较深的冠层植物吸收养分和水分之前,捕捉可用的养分和水分. 在阴凉的花园床上,使用富含有机质的快速排水土壤来防止根系腐烂. Types of shade vary greatly (e.g. 清晨阳光明媚的地区和午后阳光炙烤的地区之间的差异.荫蔽土壤条件也因有机健康状况的不同而有很大差异, moisture content, and amount of root competition. 植物对阴凉处的偏好可以在耐受非常干燥的阴凉处和需要非常潮湿的阴凉处之间变化. 因此,很难衡量不同类型的阴影. 如果我们根据平均接收到的阳光量来观察差异, 我们可以把阴影分为三类:
这个列表只根据植物对上面列出的三种阴影的耐受性将它们分为三个区域. 一般, 在干旱时期,生长在高层树木根部的植物总是需要补充水分. 但是,如果花园里的一些植物可以忍受一些干燥的条件,或者需要更多的水分, 应在下列植物描述中注明. 一般, plants with white or crème variegation can better tolerate shade; whereas, plants with pigmented foliage, gold or purple, perform better in the sun. 后一种植物中的一些可以包括在浅色阴影区域,目的是降低一些叶片的亮度, 但这是一种主观偏好. 为了更好地了解将合适的植物与你的背阴后门的条件相匹配的过程, it may also be helpful to:
建议的荫蔽容忍度用(L)光、(M)中、(D)深表示 |
Acer palmatum “解剖Seiryu”(直立蕾丝叶日本枫): Best upright growing form of lace leaf maple; spectacular fall color – 10 to 12’ – (M) Acer palmatum “Dissectum Viridis”(绿蕾丝叶日本枫) Excellent small accent plant that makes a graceful statement; Superb orange fall color – 3 to 10’ – (M) Amelanchier grandiflora “戴安娜王妃”(戴安娜王妃): 早春开白花的高性能小树, berries for the birds in June, 和明亮的秋天颜色- 20至25 ' - (L) 蓝努特卡假柏树(蓝努特卡假柏树): 蓝绿色下垂的小枝使这种狭窄生长的常绿植物成为一个很好的标本- 20至25 ' - (L) Chionanthus retusus (Chinese Fringe Tree): Highly ornamental under story tree with shiny dark green leaves and white lightly fragrant flowers in May; Exfoliating bark – 15 to -20’ – (L) Cornus drummondii (Giant Gray Dogwood): White flower clusters in late spring and long lasting clusters of cream-colored berries in the fall; Will tolerate some dryness – 15 to 20’ – (L) 山茱萸马斯 《新濠天地娱乐城》(Cornelian Cherry): Small tree whose chartreuse yellow flowers herald spring; Cherry red fall fruit – 20’ – (L) Hamamelis intermedia (Witch Hazel): 独特的多茎乔木,在冬末温暖的季节开花,为春天的回归带来希望,并能忍受大量的树荫- 10至20 ' - (D) Viburnum plicatum tomentosum (Doublefile Viburnum): 通常是灌木,但可以培养成一棵小样本树,有强壮的水平树枝,开出漂亮的白色春季花朵。12英尺- (M) |
Acanthopanox sieboldiana 五叶杂交种: 一种坚韧的灌木,能照亮干燥阴凉的地区,有奶油色的斑驳的叶子- 8至10英尺高(D) Chamaecyparis obtussa “娜娜”(矮日木假柏树): 奇妙的紧凑直立常绿灌木,叶子呈亮绿色轮生- 3至6 ' -(高) 山茱萸阿尔巴 《新濠天地娱乐城》(Silverblotch Dogwood) 一种遮荫灌木,红茎,叶边缘为白色,可通过吸盘传播- 6至8英尺(M)。 Euonymus fortunei 加拿大黄金(Canadian Gold Euonymus): 只要一点午后的阴影就能软化这棵标准的小树的亮度,它有着耀眼的绿色和金色杂色的叶子——7英尺高。 Forsythia intermedia (Forsythia): The bright yellow blooms of this familiar shrub will still show through in shaded areas of the yard; Also offered in an interesting grafted tree form – 8 to 10’ – (L) Fothergilla gardenii (Dwarf Fothergilla): 一种紧凑的灌木,能在阴凉处茁壮成长,仍能开出略带香味的白色春花, good bluish green leaves, 和令人惊叹的秋色- 3至5英尺- (M) Hydrangea arborescens grandiflora (Garden Hydrangea): 比其著名品种花更小的, “安娜贝拉”, 这种老品种的花在较深的阴影中不太容易下垂到地面- 4到6英尺- (D)。 Kerria japonica ‘Pictum’ (Pictum Kerria): 耐阴凉的干燥灌木,春花黄色, white margined leaves, 和亮绿色的茎,可以在冬天看到- 3到5英尺(米)。 Leucothoe fontanesiana (Leucothoe): 常绿的树叶在夏天闪耀着绿色, 冬天变成桃花心木-更喜欢潮湿但排水良好的阴凉地方- 3至4 ' - (D) Microbiota decussata (Siberian Cypress): 一种低矮的常绿植物,长有树枝状的叶子,在排水良好的地方长得很好, shady locations – 1’ – (D) Pieris japonica 《新濠天地娱乐城》(日本仙女座菌株): The new foliage is fiery red against the lustrous evergreen mature leaves; Clusters of creamy white flowers in spring – 5 to 6’ – (M) Rhododendron “比基尼岛”(比基尼岛杜鹃花): A newer introduction of the late David Leach that is said to be the finest red for cold climates; Extraordinary scarlet red flowers in early June – 6’ – (M) Rhododendron 卡萨诺瓦(Casanova Rhododendron): Another new Leach rhododendron; Its pale 粉红色的 flowers change to light yellow for a striking contrast new to hardy rhododendrons – 6’ – (M) Rhododendron “红河”(红河杜鹃花): 一种非常晚开花的大植物,有红色的花,适合林地筛选:也是David Leach - 11 ' - (L)的介绍。 Rhodotypos scandans (Black Jetbead): This very tough shrub will grow where others fear to bed; Can take dryness; White flowers in summer; Black berries last into winter – 3 to 6’ – (D) Sambucus racemosa 《新濠天地娱乐城》(Sutherland Golden Elderberry): An excellent new introduction; The finely cut golden yellow leaflets of this shrub are so brilliant, 一点点阴影就能很好地把它调暗- 8 ' - (L) Stephenandra incisa ‘Crispa’ (Cutleaf Stephenandra): A low spreading shrub with finely textured bright green leaves; Excellent for shade – 2 to 3’ – (M) Thuja occidentalis ‘Emerald’ (Emerald Arborvitae): 虽然最好在阳光充足的情况下种植,但乔木可以忍受一点点阴影. 这是一个优良的窄型品种- 14 ' - (L)。 Tsuga canadensis 《新濠天地娱乐城》: The spreading and strongly weeping habit of this evergreen tree make it a wonderful specimen for the shade; Usually slow growing and used as a shrub – (D) |
海棠(主教花): 好斗的地被植物,可以照亮干燥的阴凉地方, 但千万别想不控制它! – (D) Ajuga ‘Bronze Beauty’ (Bronze Beauty Ajuga): 极深的紫铜色叶子,五月开蓝色花- (D) Alchemilla mollis (Lady’s Mantle): Beautiful leaves hold drops of water like crystal pearls; The chartreuse yellow late spring flowers are a bonus – (M) Asarum canadense (Canadian Wild Ginger): 一种未被充分利用的喜爱遮荫的本地地被植物- (D) Asarum europeum (Shiny Leaf Ginger): 极好的遮荫地被植物,常绿的叶子有光泽:需要水分和良好的排水- (D) Astilbe -初夏,羽绒服的花羽在蕨类植物的叶子上升起. Here are just two varieties. 还有更多的类型可供选择. Needs moisture – (M) ‘Red Sentinel’: 在六月盛开最鲜艳的红色花朵 ‘White Gloria’: 六月末,白色的独特块状羽状花序 Athyrium niponicum ‘Pictum’ (Japanese Painted Fern): Perhaps the best hardy variegated fern; Shows wonderfully in the shade with its touches of 银 and red – (D) Brunnera macrophylla ‘Variegata’ (Variegated Bugloss): Boldly variegated heart shaped leaves stand out; Has clear blue forget-me-not flowers in spring – (M) Calamagrostis brachytricha (Foxtail Grass): One of the few flowering grasses that is happy in the shade; tawny 粉红色的 inflorescence in late summer – (L) Calamagrostis arundinacea 《新濠天地娱乐城》(杂色羽毛芦苇草): A choice variegated grass that will accept some shade; Golden inflorescence appear in summer – (L) 苔属植物补给线 Bowles Golden (Bowles Golden Sedge): 需要遮阳和防潮, 但明亮的金色直立叶片可以像灯塔一样发光, 特别是当被一束阳光照射时- (M) 苔属植物补给线 “Kaga Nishiki”(金泉莎草): 薄的绿色叶子边缘有金色-非常耐阴- (M) Chasmanthium latifolium (Northern Sea Oats): One of the best grasses for shade -looks a bit similar to bamboo; Oat-like seed heads dance in the winter winds – (M) Epimedium youngianum ‘Niveum’ (Barrenwort): Dainty star-like flowers show in spring above heart-shaped ground covering leaves; prefers rich soil but tolerates dryness – (D) Galium odoratum (Sweet Woodruff): Fragrant small white flowers in May ride above the bright green fine textured foliage; tolerates some dryness – (M) Hakonechloa maculata ‘Aureola’ (Golden Hakonechloa): A stunning grass for shade with gracefully arching golden variegated foliage; favors rich soil, 但良好的排水系统是必不可少的- (M) Hedera helix ‘Buttercup’ (Buttercup Ivy): 一种淡金绿色的常春藤,可以经受住干燥的考验。 Heucheras (Coralbells): Bell-shaped flowers on wiry stems in mid summer; exhibits excellent foliage when not in bloom – (M) ‘Bressingham Beauty’: 粉红色和红色的混合花 “女王”: 银色的酒红色叶,3 '的茎上有粉红色的花 玉簪属草本植物 – Wonderful bold textured plants for the shade; Many cultivars can withstand much sunlight without scorching; The golds need sunlight for full brightness, but some shade can offer temperance; The blues need more shade protection. 这只是众多品种中的一个选择. – (D) “安提阿”: 光滑的绿色叶片,宽奶油状边缘 ‘Black Hills’: A very dark deep green; Heavily puckered with great slug resistance ‘Blue Cadet’: 良好的蓝色叶片在一个紧凑的丘状植物 “黎明”: 高度评价的标本,有明亮的金色大叶子 ‘Dorset Blue’: 最好的蓝之一,抗蛞蝓,粉状蓝绿叶 ‘Francis Williams’: Heavily corrugated and puckered; Unmistakable variegation ‘Guacamole’: New chartreuse-centered, green margined introduction; Colors intensify with season; Yum! ‘Krossa Regal’: 经典的冷蓝色花瓶状结构 ‘Minuteman’: 一些人认为这是改良版的“爱国者”,在深绿色的中心周围有宽阔的白色边缘 “在舞台上”: 最美丽的室内杂色hostas之一,可以承受大量的阳光 ‘Paul’s Glory’: Dark green margins; Center of leaf changes from chartreuse to cream ‘Regal Splendor’: 奶油边的“Krossa Regal”运动 ‘Robert Frost’: 磨砂的灰绿色叶,向中心有宽的白色边缘羽状毛 ‘Shade Fanfare’: Light green center, creamy yellow to white edge; Good substance “暮光之城”: 新引进的,深色有光泽的绿色叶子,有宽阔的黄色边缘 Houttuynia cordata ‘Chameleon’ (Chameleon Plant): 一种非常有攻击性的地被植物,在阴影中表现良好,但它的颜色是最亮的红色, 粉红色的, 黄色是太阳晒出来的, contain or else! – (L) Kirengeshoma (Yellow Waxbells): Large maple-shaped leaves on arching stems; yellow flower bells in late summer; needs moist organic soil – (D) Liriope muscari “杂色百合”(杂色百合草): 夏末,黄绿杂色的叶子与蓝色的花朵形成了鲜明的对比——(左) Lysmachia nummularia ‘Aurea’ (Yellow Creeping Jenny): This true creeper appreciates moist areas; some shade can reduce the glare of its yellow-gold leaves – (L) 红脚鹬 红龙(红龙花边植物): 紫红色的有花纹的叶子, 银, and green; non-running and will accept a bit of shade – (L) Polygonatum odoratum “杂色所罗门印”: 独特的杂色叶子是深绿色的,带有奶油条纹,似乎是大自然母亲亲自刷的。 Polystichum setiferum ‘Proliferum’ (Soft Shield Fern): 这种蕨类植物的树冠上长着螺旋状的长叶,稍微耐寒一点, so place carefully – (D) Pulmonaria (疗肺草属) 肺worworts的叶子整个季节都在生长,许多新品种出现了奇妙的斑点——花朵是春天的奖励。 ‘British Sterling’: Shows foliage that is both mottled with 银y white and has distinct spots; bright purplish-粉红色的 buds open to blue flowers in April ‘Cotton Cool’: 这是一种英国引种植物,长时间盛开的蓝色花朵覆盖着完全银色的直立叶片 ‘Sissinghurst White’: 白色的花,银色斑点的叶子 Solenostemon (锦紫苏): No, coleus are not perennials, 但是,新品种的选择,避免迅速开花,可以忍受阳光或阴影,保证在许多遮荫花园的一年. They definitely need moisture. 这种古老的植物受到了像肯特的朱莉·努夫这样的园林设计师的重视. 其中一些品种是“阿拉巴马日落”, ‘Morning Mist’, ‘Red Ruffles’, “妈妈米娅”, ‘Religious Radish’, ‘Stained Glass’, ‘Flirtin’ Skirts’, ‘Metzger’s Torch’, “Lifelime”, ‘El Brighto’, “Camillia”, 音障的格莱尼斯的, ‘Solar Flare’, ‘Japanese Giant’, ‘Bronze Pagoda’, ‘Lemon and Lime’, ‘Collin's Gold’, ‘Lime Frill’, and ‘Amazon’. – (D) Tiarella “Herronswood Mist”(Herronswood Mist Foam Flower): Layers of 粉红色的, 奶油和绿色像薄雾一样笼罩在丹·欣克利(Dan Hinkley)的这株新tiarella的宽阔叶子上。 缬草 officinalis (Garden Heliotrope): 有些人可能会反对这种古老的多年生草本植物的传播趋势, 但是,在蕨类植物的叶子上,随风飘散的一簇簇芬芳的白花可以吸引一个人的鼻子——(L) 文章由William Healy Design, Akron, Ohio的Bill Healy撰写. |
Ajuga (light to partial shade)
Andromeda (partial shade) Astilbe Azaleas (partial shade) 杨梅,北方(部分遮阴) Beech, Tri-color (light shade) Blueberry, Highbush 瓶刷七叶树(部分遮荫) Boxwoods (light shade) Burning Bushes (light shade) 梓 樱桃,波尼山丘(部分阴影) Chokeberries (partial shade) 达芙妮,卡罗尔·麦基(浅色) Dogwoods (partial shade) Enkianthus (filtered sunlight) 常绿卫矛(部分遮荫) Falsespirea, (light shade) Ferns (partial shade) Fir, Balsam (light shade) Fir, Dwarf Balsam (light shade) Fringetree, White (light shade) Hazelnut, American (light shade) 榛子,哈利兰黛的手杖(部分阴影) Heather (light shade) 铁杉 Hollies (partial shade) Honeysuckles (partial shade) Hophornbeam (light shade) Hornbeam, American (partial shade) 玉簪属草本植物 Hydrangeas (partial shade) Inkberry (light shade) |
Japanese Maple (filtered light)
Kiwi (partial shade) Labrador Tea (partial shade) Laburnum, Scotch (light shade) 羔羊耳,银色地毯(部分阴影) Leucothoe Laurels (partial shade) Magnolias (light shade) Maples (light shade) Mockorange (light shade) Mulberry (light shade) 荨麻 Ninebark (partial shade) Quince (partial shade) Redbud (light shade) Rhododendron Serviceberry 山胡椒 Stephanandra, Crispa (light shade) Sumac, Gro-Low (partial shade) Summersweet Sweetshrub, Common 双子浪,珊瑚峡谷(浅色) Tupelo, Black (light shade) Variegated Fiveleaf Aralia Viburnums (partial shade) 长春花 紫罗兰色的 Virginia Creeper Winterberry, (light shade) Wintergreen (partial shade) Witchhazel, Common 紫杉 |